2020-07-19 06:22:09 UTC
166 MB
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/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY dir:dc66a523a56dd910c4ac3a0a5860214d2853922e7f79dd5301aca468b0db0e5c in /
2020-07-15 16:51:57 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ARG BUILD_DATE
2020-07-15 16:51:58 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ARG VERSION
2020-07-15 16:51:58 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) LABEL build_version=Linuxserver.io version:- 54802bd6-ls46 Build-date:- 2020-07-15T16:50:10+00:00
2020-07-15 16:51:59 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) LABEL maintainer=TheLamer
2020-07-15 16:51:59 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ARG OVERLAY_VERSION=v2.0.0.1
2020-07-15 16:52:00 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ARG OVERLAY_ARCH=aarch64
2020-07-15 16:52:00 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
2020-07-15 16:52:01 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV HOME=/root LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 LANG=en_US.UTF-8 TERM=xterm
2020-07-15 16:52:01 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY file:96cc36b38eed0666cdd228dd5dbbca08ab4503df17e0a37e3ead0e94189ba731 in /etc/apt/
2020-07-15 16:53:23 UTC|5 BUILD_DATE=2020-07-15T16:50:10+00:00 DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive OVERLAY_ARCH=aarch64 OVERLAY_VERSION=v2.0.0.1 VERSION=54802bd6-ls46 /bin/sh -c echo "**** Ripped from Ubuntu Docker Logic ****" && set -xe && echo '#!/bin/sh' > /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d && echo 'exit 101' >> /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d && chmod +x /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d && dpkg-divert --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl && cp -a /usr/sbin/policy-rc.d /sbin/initctl && sed -i 's/^exit.*/exit 0/' /sbin/initctl && echo 'force-unsafe-io' > /etc/dpkg/dpkg.cfg.d/docker-apt-speedup && echo 'DPkg::Post-Invoke { "rm -f /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/*.deb /var/cache/apt/*.bin || true"; };' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/docker-clean && echo 'APT::Update::Post-Invoke { "rm -f /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/*.deb /var/cache/apt/*.bin || true"; };' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/docker-clean && echo 'Dir::Cache::pkgcache ""; Dir::Cache::srcpkgcache "";' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/docker-clean && echo 'Acquire::Languages "none";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/docker-no-languages && echo 'Acquire::GzipIndexes "true"; Acquire::CompressionTypes::Order:: "gz";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/docker-gzip-indexes && echo 'Apt::AutoRemove::SuggestsImportant "false";' > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/docker-autoremove-suggests && mkdir -p /run/systemd && echo 'docker' > /run/systemd/container && echo "**** install apt-utils and locales ****" && apt-get update && apt-get install -y apt-utils locales && echo "**** install packages ****" && apt-get install -y curl tzdata && echo "**** generate locale ****" && locale-gen en_US.UTF-8 && echo "**** add s6 overlay ****" && curl -o /tmp/s6-overlay.tar.gz -L "https://github.com/just-containers/s6-overlay/releases/download/${OVERLAY_VERSION}/s6-overlay-${OVERLAY_ARCH}.tar.gz" && tar xfz /tmp/s6-overlay.tar.gz -C / && echo "**** create abc user and make our folders ****" && useradd -u 911 -U -d /config -s /bin/false abc && usermod -G users abc && mkdir -p /app /config /defaults && mv /usr/bin/with-contenv /usr/bin/with-contenvb && echo "**** add qemu ****" && curl -o /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static -L "https://lsio-ci.ams3.digitaloceanspaces.com/qemu-aarch64-static" && chmod +x /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static && echo "**** cleanup ****" && apt-get clean && rm -rf /tmp/* /var/lib/apt/lists/* /var/tmp/*
2020-07-15 16:53:25 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY dir:d9b4fd1bacede18445a775aacdc628686177aef2dd4806f656a0a9c0982d98df in /
2020-07-15 16:53:26 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENTRYPOINT ["/init"]
2020-07-19 06:19:32 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ARG BUILD_DATE
2020-07-19 06:19:33 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ARG VERSION
2020-07-19 06:19:33 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ARG JELLYFIN_RELEASE
2020-07-19 06:19:34 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) LABEL build_version=Linuxserver.io version:- v10.5.5-ls61 Build-date:- 2020-07-19T06:18:27+00:00
2020-07-19 06:19:35 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) LABEL maintainer=thelamer
2020-07-19 06:19:35 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
2020-07-19 06:19:36 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) ENV NVIDIA_DRIVER_CAPABILITIES=compute,video,utility
2020-07-19 06:22:04 UTC|4 BUILD_DATE=2020-07-19T06:18:27+00:00 DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive JELLYFIN_RELEASE=v10.5.5 VERSION=v10.5.5-ls61 /bin/sh -c echo "**** install packages ****" && apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends gnupg && echo "**** add jellyfin deps *****" && curl -s https://repo.jellyfin.org/ubuntu/jellyfin_team.gpg.key | apt-key add - && echo 'deb [arch=arm64] https://repo.jellyfin.org/ubuntu bionic main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jellyfin.list && apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends at jellyfin-ffmpeg libfontconfig1 libfreetype6 libomxil-bellagio0 libomxil-bellagio-bin libssl1.0.0 && echo "**** install jellyfin *****" && if [ -z ${JELLYFIN_RELEASE+x} ]; then JELLYFIN_RELEASE=$(curl -sX GET "https://api.github.com/repos/jellyfin/jellyfin/releases/latest" | awk '/tag_name/{print $4;exit}' FS='[""]'); fi && VERSION=$(echo "${JELLYFIN_RELEASE}" | sed 's/^v//g') && curl -o /tmp/jellyfin.deb -L "https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/releases/download/v${VERSION}/jellyfin_${VERSION}-1_ubuntu-arm64.deb" && dpkg -i /tmp/jellyfin.deb && echo "**** cleanup ****" && rm -rf /tmp/* /var/lib/apt/lists/* /var/tmp/*
2020-07-19 06:22:08 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY dir:7577a61b417353b74a8b132e8b2525fed1a78571308dbae21cac50e5fd0c678a in /
2020-07-19 06:22:08 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) EXPOSE 8096 8920
2020-07-19 06:22:09 UTC/bin/sh -c #(nop) VOLUME [/config]
Please be careful as this will not just delete the reference but also the actual content!
For example when you have latest and v1.2.3 both pointing to the same image
the deletion of latest will also permanently remove v1.2.3.